Saints tennis player Gabe Ortiz represents Seward County Community College at a unique tournament this week. The freshman from Argentina won the national...
The second annual Trail of Terror at Arkalon Park launched the Halloween craziness and fun for Seward County Community College students last weekend. Crusader...
Dorm life can be fun, crazy and terrifying all at the same time. Students move from their homes to live with a hundred or so strangers. But eventually,...
Take a satirical tour around the Seward County Community College campus. Returning students bring dry-humor to the normal tour and tips. This video parody...
They are the unsung champions of the SCCC sports world - men's and women's tennis. They are consistently ranked in the nation. The fall season had three...
A sea of excited students waited with bated breath outside of the Seward County Community College bookstore. Everyone chatted nervously with their friends,...
On Friday evening, an audience of fellow poetry lovers and peers sat amongst each other, ate horderves and sipped on water or lemonade in the Seward County...
Citizenship isn’t something that most United States inhabitants will ever have to worry about. For those that are born here, citizenship is automatic;...
Finals week for the fall 2018 semester begins Monday. Everyone is burning the midnight oil to get the last papers done and study for tests. The Crusader...
As college students, we know that fast food is the easiest way to fuel up on carbs and calories between classes, which is certainly necessary to have energy...