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The student news site of Seward County Community College

Crusader News

The student news site of Seward County Community College

Crusader News

The student news site of Seward County Community College

Crusader News


The Lady Saints celebrate after scoring a point. Alogether, the team holds 601 kills and 1984 attacks.

Lady Saints Volleyball wins 3-2 on Sept. 6th

Roselyne Garay and Jenni Lopez
September 11, 2023

The Lady Saints volleyball team had a home victory against Garden Community College on Wednesday, Sept. 6 going 3-2. Losing the first and third set, the...

Joe Haskell, a freshman at Seward County Community College, readies up for choir practice. When being interviewed for his UpClose, Haskell answered many of the questions with sarcasm and or with humor in mind.

Joe Haskell

Chance Martin, Reporter
September 8, 2023

What was the last movie you watched?  The "Barbie" movie, and it was good-ish. It was a very interesting movie.  Do you still read books? What...

Ryan Shields jumps past a Lope and speeds by with the ball. A midfielder on the team, Shields, comes from Campbeltown, Argyll and Bute, United Kingdom.

Saints soccer team snags victory over Lamar Lopes in second half

Roselyne Garay, Reporter
September 5, 2023

The Saints soccer team scored a big win in the night game against Lamar Community College on Thursday, Aug. 31. After both teams equally fought and tied...

Let's start strong this fall, Saints!

Let’s start strong this fall, Saints!

Zoe Lampe, Roselyne Garay, and Chance Martin
August 29, 2023

Classes at Seward County Community College have just started and have been going on for almost two weeks, and many are either finding their rhythm in college...

Paulina Reyes-Espinoza sits in the stands of a basketball game in the fall as she cheers for the Saints basketball team to win. Reyes-Espinoza is incredibly involved in Seward County Community College, as she has been a part of TRIO, the cheer team, housing, and a student tutor.

Paulina Reyes-Espinoza

Ashanti Thompson, Multimedia Editor
May 9, 2023

What’s one TV show you want to be in?  “Modern Family”, because they always find something fun to do, they travel anywhere they want and they...

Meaning through tattoos

Meaning through tattoos

Brianna Rich, Photo Editor
May 4, 2023

Tattoos have been around since 3370 B.C., so it is a no-brainer that they are still around today. Tattoos are done differently today, but they are still...

Tattoos are a way for people to artistically express themselves. There is a lot of decision making for a first tattoo. With that there are also things to keep in mind for first timers.

Tattoos, what to keep in mind for new people

Daniel Rodriguez, Reporter
May 3, 2023

Getting a tattoo can be an exciting experience. Though there is also a lot of decision making and important factors to consider when choosing what kind...

Sophmore, Jarron Wilcox receives a throw from the outfield to home plate and attempts to apply the tag. The throw was not in time, and Pratt Community College secured a run toward their future victory.

Baseball falls to Pratt finishing out their season

Ashanti Thompson, Multimedia Editor
May 3, 2023

The Saints finish their season with a home game dedicated to the sophomores. Despite battling through to the end, the Saints walk home with two wins out...

Crusader News presents tattoo week

Crusader News presents tattoo week

Daniel Rodriguez, Reporter
May 2, 2023

This week at Seward County Community College we’re talking all about tattoos. Things to keep in mind for a first tattoo, students opinions on tattoos,...

Kevin Gleason spends time either around campus or in his office when he’s not teaching a class. When in his office he relaxes while working.

Kevin Gleason

Daniel Rodriguez, Reporter
May 1, 2023

What made you want to be a historian? Stories, I love the stories. They are more fascinating than movies or TV shows. Which of your pets would you...

Seward County Community College students lining up to listen to what Fort Hays State University has to offer. Some FHSU staff also helped SCCC students start applying for FHSU.

Fort Hays State University recruits with ice cream, info

Daniel Rodriguez, Reporter
April 21, 2023

With the change in weather Fort Hays State University arrived on campus Wednesday, April 19 with pamphlets of information and cups filled with root beer...

A Chance To Be On A Podcast: Episode 3

A Chance To Be On A Podcast: Episode 3

Chance Martin, Reporter
April 20, 2023

I filmed this episode on Feb. 23. It's been some time since I filmed this episode. I haven't uploaded because I have been dealing with uploading issues...

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The student news site of Seward County Community College