Paula Lopez was raised up in Tucuman, Argentina. While living there, she grew up playing tennis at an academy where she played with her family everyday. Lopez now has 13 years of playing tennis, but enjoys other hobbies as well. “My hobbies are playing ping pong in the student union and suppporting the other Saints athletic teams at their events,” said Coyos. “I love just about any sport, especially watching and playing soccer and basketball.” Something that helped Lopez was being raised in a family that breathed tennis. “My family’s involvement in tennis definitely motivated me. All of them played, and my brothers played at a high level. I also learned a lot from my sister who played team tennis in Germany for six years. She has always been a big source of support,” said Lopez. Lopez now faces a big opportunity for her after a successfull fall season. Her singles record is 11-2 and her doubles record is 11-3. “The opportunity is here for me to accomplish my goals, and I want to show the nation who we are,” said Coyos. Coyos likes to prepare for a game by warming up and then spending time alone. She uses this time to focus on her match and visual some shots along with making a strategy for her game. Coyos added, “I am so proud to be a part of Seward County. [I want to] say thanks for giving me this opportunity. The people of Liberal are very nice and have made me feel so comfortable here.”