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The student news site of Seward County Community College

Crusader News

The student news site of Seward County Community College

Crusader News

The student news site of Seward County Community College

Crusader News


Fraser Hall is the second highest point on Mount Oread. This building includes Anthropology, Sociology, and Psychology which are a few majors that are included in Fraser Hall.

TRiO provides college visits

Odalys Avalos, Reporter
March 20, 2017

At Seward County Community College there is a program called TRiO. TRiO motivates and supports students throughout their academic years at Seward. Each...

SCCC student fights grassfires

SCCC student fights grassfires

Angelica Alfaro, Co- Editor
March 10, 2017

On March 6, grass fires spread throughout Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas. The fires started in Oklahoma and then move on to Clark County. Seward County had...

Taylor Harn

Taylor Harn

Brynn Grieshaber, Co- Editor, Photographer
March 10, 2017

"What's the most challenging obstacle in my life? "The hardest part would be trying to stay on top of things. I work about 45 hours a week at Standard...

Patrick Smith

Patrick Smith

Brynn Grieshaber, co-editor
March 8, 2017

The question everyone is wanting to know.. what are you doing with your life? "Honestly I don't know what I've been doing with my life. I have been...

Lady Saints make it to the Championship game

Lady Saints make it to the Championship game

Angelica Alfaro, Co- Editor
March 8, 2017

First defeating Independence Community College, and right after winning against Cloud County Community College, Seward heads straight towards the championship. On...

(photo credit SCCC Athletics)

Lady Saints head to second round

Brynn Grieshaber, Co-Editor, photographer
March 7, 2017

Records were set in the Region VI Quarterfinals game by the Seward County Lady Saints. Mollie Mounsey broke the all-time single season three point record...

Community members marched around Light Park to show their support for the growing immigrant population in Liberal. The event was a peaceful showing of many different people coming together.

Photo Essay: “We Are America!”

Brynn Grieshaber, Co-Editor, photographer
March 6, 2017

Students and members of the Liberal community took to the sidewalks of Light Park, Saturday, March 4, to stand in solidarity as Americans. As issues...

Outfielder Timothy Fitzgerald gets down and dirty with an attempt to make it back to first base. Fitzgerald has managed to get one RBI this season.

Saints drop four games

Keynitra Houston, Photo Editor
March 6, 2017

A home field advantage didn't help the Saints over the weekend, March 4-5. The baseball team dropped a pair of doubleheaders against Hutchinson Community...

Jordan Gardea

Jordan Gardea

Brynn Grieshaber, Co-Editor, photographer
March 3, 2017

"First of all, I would just go and spend as much time with my family and enjoy doing what we do most, which is eating as a family. Then I would go do what...

Seward Splits

Seward Splits

Brynn Grieshaber, Co-Editor, photographer
March 2, 2017

Lady Saints had their first 2017 Jayhawk West Conference double header March 1 in Colby. Splitting with the Lady Trojans, the Saints won the first game...

Sophomore Photography major Keynitra Houston, does makeup on a daily basis and shows off her work through YouTube and Instagram.

Is makeup a big part of your life?

Keynitra Houston, Photographer
March 2, 2017

Makeup is one of the biggest influences in the beauty world today. People are often interested in makeup to stand out. Makeup can be a way for women and...

Pancake Day 2017

Pancake Day 2017

Brynn Grieshaber, Co-Editor, photographer
March 1, 2017

This year Pancake Day was held on Tuesday, Feb. 28. Crusader photographers Brynn Grieshaber and Keynitra Houston spent the day find SCCC students at work...

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The student news site of Seward County Community College