The sixth installment in the horror satire franchise, “Scream VI” follows the story of Samantha Carpenter a year after the events of the previous Scream...
From hearing the crowd buzz with laughter, gasp in shock, and cheer with exuberance; it is no big surprise to announce that this year’s play at Seward...
Episode 5 of Euphoria left us with thousands of questions: Is Rue okay? Will Cassie survive Maddy’s wrath? When will we see Fez and Lexi? And for the...
It’s been nearly two years since anything Marvel has come out and the time has come for more. Finally, Marvel produced “WandaVision,” starring Elizabeth...
Imagine yourself as a jelly bean-like creature that can hop, dive and grab other players within a game. This is all part of the latest video game, Fall...
Don't go into this movie expecting too much. “The Invisible Man” was confusing. The novel-based movie was released in theaters on Feb. 28, and it left...
Reverie Roasters, a coffee house and bakery located in Wichita, have recently brought three of their unique coffee flavors to Seward County Community College....
The Crusader recently ran a Facebook poll asking you which new album we should listen to and review. The results came in and the winner by one vote was...
I watched “American Sniper” with my brother, neither of us knowing it was based on a true story.
American Sniper is the story of Chris Kyle, the deadliest sniper in the history of the U.S. military, and is played by Bradley Cooper.
“Contagion” brings to the big screen what would happen if an unknown pathogenic germ/virus started spreading throughout human contact. Globalization...