A Quinceanera, also known as a fiesta de quince años, is an honored celebration of a young girl becoming a woman. It is a time for the Quince, 15-year-old...
As the school year kicks back into full gear, it is important for the students who are new to Seward County Community College and the area to learn what’s...
SCCC kicked off the new school year with a Monday filled with activities for new students. Students got down and silly for some events.
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Cinco de Mayo festivities took place all weekend surrounding the Mexican-American celebration of culture on May 5. Dancers greeted those emptying out of...
The Seward County Community College Saints baseball team defeated Hutchinson Community College in the first game of their double header on Friday, April...
The Seward County Community College Saints baseball team captured their first conference win against the Garden City Broncbusters on Monday, April 23....
The Crusader logo just got a makeover! The Crusader is a student run newspaper. Students produce all of the content and Crusader News wanted the logo to...