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Crusader News

The student news site of Seward County Community College

Crusader News

The student news site of Seward County Community College

Crusader News


Sophmore, Jarron Wilcox receives a throw from the outfield to home plate and attempts to apply the tag. The throw was not in time, and Pratt Community College secured a run toward their future victory.

Baseball falls to Pratt finishing out their season

Ashanti Thompson, Multimedia Editor
May 3, 2023

The Saints finish their season with a home game dedicated to the sophomores. Despite battling through to the end, the Saints walk home with two wins out...

Crusader News presents tattoo week

Crusader News presents tattoo week

Daniel Rodriguez, Reporter
May 2, 2023

This week at Seward County Community College we’re talking all about tattoos. Things to keep in mind for a first tattoo, students opinions on tattoos,...

A Chance To Be On A Podcast: Episode 3

A Chance To Be On A Podcast: Episode 3

Chance Martin, Reporter
April 20, 2023

I filmed this episode on Feb. 23. It's been some time since I filmed this episode. I haven't uploaded because I have been dealing with uploading issues...

Swinging her bat to hit the ball is catcher Avery Ragsdale, a freshman from Fort Gibson, Oklahoma. In the second game Ragsdale gained two runs that she batted in resulting in her now having 42 runs that she batted in.

Lady Saints gain two wins

Brianna Rich, Photo Editor
April 13, 2023

The Lady Saints played a doubleheader against Otero College. They won both of their games against the Lady Rattlers. Their record is now 16-24 overall...

Saints on the Street: What was the best prank you did or received?

Saints on the Street: What was the best prank you did or received?

Brianna Rich and Chance Martin
March 31, 2023

Reporter Chance Martin and Photo Editor Brianna Rich took to the streets to find students and faculty members who have done and received pranks over the...

Businesses arrive to offer job opportunities at SCCC career fair

Businesses arrive to offer job opportunities at SCCC career fair

Daniel Rodriguez, Reporter
March 30, 2023

Seward County Community College Career Technical Education Career Fair brought many businesses looking to recruit students into working for them. Many...

Fixing to collide with the ball is first baseman Samantha Gomez, a freshman from Albuquerque, New Mexico. In the first game Gomez received a run she batted in by bringing in Aaliyah Gutierrez.

Lady Saints lose doubleheader

Brianna Rich, Photo Editor
March 23, 2023

The Lady Saints played a doubleheader against Hutchinson Community College. They lost both of their games against the Lady Blue Dragons. Their record is...

A Chance To Be On A Podcast: Episode 2

A Chance To Be On A Podcast: Episode 2

Chance Martin, Reporter
March 21, 2023

Hello, this is Chance Martin, and this is my second podcast (I accidently said this is my third podcast in the video).  I'm still new at podcasting, and...

Swinging to hit the ball is infielder Lana Pigeon, a sophomore from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. So far overall Pigeon has two hits and two runs.

Lady Saints splits games with Broncbusters

Brianna Rich, Photo Editor
March 9, 2023

The Lady Saints played a doubleheader against Garden City Community College. They won game one and lost game two. Their record is now 3-15 overall so far...

Mocktails: Safe spring break alternative drinks

Mocktails: Safe spring break alternative drinks

Daniel Rodriguez, Reporter
March 9, 2023

Mocktails are a non-alcoholic alternative to cocktails. Fairly popular for people who can’t drink or chose not to partake in alcohol. During spring break...

Last night was not only the Saints’ last home game but it was also their sophomore night. Before their game, four sophomores were recognized for the Saints.

Saints take tough loss

Brianna Rich, Photo Editor
February 23, 2023

The Saints took a tough loss last night after a close game against the Blue Dragons with the final score being 71-76. Their overall record so far this...

A Chance To Be On A Podcast: Episode 1

A Chance To Be On A Podcast: Episode 1

Chance Martin, Reporter
February 10, 2023

A chance on a podcast Is a chance to go on a podcast to see different students in different majors and activities. My goal is to get to know a little bit...

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The student news site of Seward County Community College