Professional musician Petar Jankovic came to Liberal to provide an evening of culture on campus. The classical guitarist finished his concert performance...
“Dexter” is a TV series about a blood spatter analyst at Miami Metro Police Department named Dexter Morgan, played by Michael C. Hall, who takes justice...
The classical guitarist’s concert will be at 7 p.m. Sept. 21 in the Showcase Theater. Admission is free but free-will donations are encouraged and will go toward the Development Foundation for Seward County Community College/Area Technical School scholarships.
Laptops, cell phones, digital cameras and iPods, all normal items for a college student to own.
Commodores, telegraphs, Polaroids and cassette, all items...
'Vices & Virtues' is Panic! At The Disco's whole new spin on their familiar sound on their debut album 'A Fever You Can't Sweat Out'. Since the departure...
It has come to my attention that I have been a bit biased when it comes to my reviews. To date, I’ve only critiqued bands based on their pretty singing,...
The Student Government Association hosted Dash For Dollars, a game show in which students could win upwards of $500 March 24. The game show type event...