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The student news site of Seward County Community College

Crusader News

The student news site of Seward County Community College

Crusader News

The student news site of Seward County Community College

Crusader News


Saints soccer team joyfully posing after a home win.

First SCCC Men’s Soccer beat the odds, made it to playoffs

Zoe Lampe and Roselyne Garay
December 11, 2023

Aug. 23 was Seward County Community College's first ever soccer game. The stands were packed full with excited fans waiting for the game. Unfortunately,...

Crusader News presents tattoo week

Crusader News presents tattoo week

Daniel Rodriguez, Reporter
May 2, 2023

This week at Seward County Community College we’re talking all about tattoos. Things to keep in mind for a first tattoo, students opinions on tattoos,...

Seward County Community College students lining up to listen to what Fort Hays State University has to offer. Some FHSU staff also helped SCCC students start applying for FHSU.

Fort Hays State University recruits with ice cream, info

Daniel Rodriguez, Reporter
April 21, 2023

With the change in weather Fort Hays State University arrived on campus Wednesday, April 19 with pamphlets of information and cups filled with root beer...

Coming to Seward County Community College in the fall of 2023 is the new soccer team. The first home game will be Aug. 23 on the Redskins’ field at the high school.

New soccer teams strolling into SCCC

Ashanti Thompson, Multimedia Editor
April 3, 2023

Sports are an integral part of any college, so it's no surprise Seward County Community College is expanding its athletic department in more ways than...

Businesses arrive to offer job opportunities at SCCC career fair

Businesses arrive to offer job opportunities at SCCC career fair

Daniel Rodriguez, Reporter
March 30, 2023

Seward County Community College Career Technical Education Career Fair brought many businesses looking to recruit students into working for them. Many...

Coming soon to Seward County Community College is esports, a type of sporting event where video games are played competitively. The new sport will start in the fall of 2023 with new head coach Eric D. Volden.

Esports comes to SCCC in Fall 2023

Daniel Rodriguez, Reporter
March 1, 2023

A rise in the popularity of video games brings forth a subculture that has been gaining traction. A culture of skill and competitiveness. The name of this...

The annual Taste of Kansas is back after the pandemic. Bringing a diverse mix of students and faculty to enjoy good food and have a good time.

Annual Taste of Kansas event returns

Daniel Rodriguez, Reporter
January 31, 2023

Originally starting in 2019, the Inclusivity and Civility committee brought the Taste of Kansas event on campus. However, the event was shut down due to...

Players not only have to move chess pieces, but they also have to keep track of their time. They do this through the chess clock which keeps track of their time and makes sure that neither player overly delays the game.

SCCC library hosts second chess tournament

Brianna Rich and Jazmin Caballero
January 27, 2023

Choices are to be made as the second chess tournament begins in the Seward County Community College library. The first chess tournament was also held in...

A group of goats push each other trying to get some treats. Currently there are only nine goats, but there are hopes of obtaining a total of 20 goats.

Goats join SCCC family

Brianna Rich, Photo Editor
January 26, 2023

Hoofing their way into Seward County Community College are the new goats in the Agriculture Program. Currently nine goats including a pregnant one which...

Welcome Back to the Spring Semester Saints!

Welcome Back to the Spring Semester Saints!

Ashanti Thompson, Reporter
January 12, 2023

Seward County Community College is back, ready for the spring semester to begin! Class resumed following winter break on Jan. 9th. The halls have since...

The Steps Challenge 2.0 pushes SCCC staff to their feet

The Steps Challenge 2.0 pushes SCCC staff to their feet

Jazmin Caballero, Reporter
December 2, 2022

Would the average person be able to guess the amount of steps they take daily? Many people spend most of their time on their feet either walking, standing...

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The student news site of Seward County Community College