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Crusader News

The student news site of Seward County Community College

Crusader News

The student news site of Seward County Community College

Crusader News


A group of goats push each other trying to get some treats. Currently there are only nine goats, but there are hopes of obtaining a total of 20 goats.

Goats join SCCC family

Brianna Rich, Photo Editor
January 26, 2023

Hoofing their way into Seward County Community College are the new goats in the Agriculture Program. Currently nine goats including a pregnant one which...

Mass Communications major, Jimmy Sorunke is a sophomore from Rockville, Maryland. Sorunke plays for the men's basketball team, and he has hopes that he will play in the NBA.

Jimmy Sorunke

Ashanti Thompson, Multimedia Editor
January 24, 2023

What is one thing on your bucket list you have not completed?   Well, I have a long bucket list, but one thing I would really love to do is go and...

Grandez relaxes on the couch in the music cave. He does this often while waiting for his friends.

Daniel Grandez

Daniel Rodriguez, Reporter
January 19, 2023

If there’s one place in Liberal you’d recommend food from, where is it and why? El Pastorsito. They have good food. A lot of people like it and...

Psychology major, Sara Schumacher is a freshman from Elkhart. Schumacher has hopes of becoming the best therapist so that she can help anyone who needs help.

Sara Schumacher

Brianna Rich, Photo Editor
January 17, 2023

What would your perfect day look like? A perfect day for me would look like a time at the park hanging out with my friends or with my boyfriend. What...

Welcome Back to the Spring Semester Saints!

Welcome Back to the Spring Semester Saints!

Ashanti Thompson, Reporter
January 12, 2023

Seward County Community College is back, ready for the spring semester to begin! Class resumed following winter break on Jan. 9th. The halls have since...

Inspired by former Crusader member Ruby Thornton, the whole staff this year has decided to write to Santa. With this the hopes are that this will be the new tradition for Crusader.

Crusader wishes to Santa

Jingling bells! Christmas is almost here which means it is time to write to Santa. Last year students and faculty were asked by former Crusader member...

Having divorced parents on Christmas is not as fun as some kids think. Instead it can be confusing for kids who are not used to not having their family together for Christmas.

Christmas with divorced parents

Brianna Rich, Photo Editor
December 6, 2022

Most kids think that the kids who have divorced parents are lucky. The reason they think this is because of the myth that the kids get two Christmases....

The Steps Challenge 2.0 pushes SCCC staff to their feet

The Steps Challenge 2.0 pushes SCCC staff to their feet

Jazmin Caballero, Reporter
December 2, 2022

Would the average person be able to guess the amount of steps they take daily? Many people spend most of their time on their feet either walking, standing...

Magda Silva, a music teacher. Silva enjoys listening to relaxing music sitting down in her office.

Student, faculty describe favorite songs, music

Roque Reveles-Montelongo
November 22, 2022

Students and teachers have different types of songs they listen to. Most students or teachers listen to them in different places such as traveling, school...

Saints on the Street: Students swap holiday snacks

Saints on the Street: Students swap holiday snacks

Megan Berg, Feature Editor
November 22, 2022

With the holidays well on their way, decorations and music can be heard and seen marking the season. What tends to be on most people’s minds though is...

 Jasmine Caamal is a freshman with her hometown being Liberal. She is majoring in marketing and works part time at Brown’s Shoe Store.

Jasmine Camaal

Megan Berg, Feature Editor
November 10, 2022

Who would you say is the most influential person in your life? How have they influenced you?  My dad. He is hardworking, keeps himself busy, and thrives...

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The student news site of Seward County Community College