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Crusader News

The student news site of Seward County Community College

Crusader News

The student news site of Seward County Community College

Crusader News


SkillsUSA gets first ever gold Kan Do

April 24, 2009

SkillsUSA returned home with its first ever gold Kan Do Chapter award from the 44th annual SkillsUSA Kansas Championships. The SkillsUSA group won its...


Damron accepts position vacated by Courtney

April 24, 2009

From more than 50 applicants, Gary Damron, TRiO academic specialist and adjunct instructor, will be recommended for the social science position at the...

Courtesy photo/ Pam Freeman
Rey Lujan and Juan Cerda demonstrate their work in the welding department during the Spring Fiesta and Car Show. The technical school had an open house during the fiesta. More photos on page 6.

Fiesta, Car Show decorates campus

April 24, 2009

Custom cars, face painting and sack races were just some of the many things to see at the Spring Fiesta and Car Show, Sunday. The technical school and...

Jose Sanchez helps Ashleigh Parker, a participant of Children’s Art Day, dye her flower made of coffee filters and pipe cleaners. Children’s art day was sponsored by Kylix, and the money raised that day will go towards Kylix’s spring trip to Santa Fe, N.M., April 24-26. Other projects made that day were books, dangling ornaments, coffee filter flowers, relief sculptures, sacks to put projects in and stick people sculptures.

Children brush up skills at art day

April 24, 2009

Kylix sponsored a Children’s Art Day for children in first through sixth grade on April 18 in order to raise funds for their spring trip. Kylix treasurer,...

Rosales, VanWhye run in election

April 24, 2009

Edgar Rosales and Nick VanWyhe will vie for Student Government Association president next week. Those in attendance at the April 20 SGA meeting could...

Crusader photo/ Shelby Rundell
Livestock Judger, Ryan Imler carries one of his  chester barrow pigs the night of the Block and Bridle Pig Sale.  A total of 115 pigs were sold at Friday nights sale bringing a total of $31,150 with the average of $271 per head.

Ag prepares for banquet

April 24, 2009

The agriculture department will be having a banquet at 6 p.m. Saturday in the Student Union in room SW229. The banquet will recognize the achievements...

Sister Mary Leo played by Monica Kerbo sings about how her passion for dance and a certain man led her to the convent. Her feelings were expressed in the song “I Left Him There.” 

‘Nunsensations’: Glitzy, shticky, funny

April 24, 2009

I’m still not sure what shtick is, but it’s funny. This weekend I had the pleasure of viewing “Nunsensations,” a musical put on by Frank Challis....

Video Preview: Diablo

Video Preview: Diablo

April 24, 2009

After the closure of a company, four years of development and three major artistic redesigns, Blizzard Entertainment’s upcoming Diablo III for PC can...

Seward invites community to campus for Spring Fiesta, Car Show

April 6, 2009

Games, music and more will be on campus April 10 at the forth-annual Spring Fiesta and Car Show. The Spring Fiesta is from 1-4 p.m., and is open to the...

Crusader File photo
Susan Lukwago dances through the aisles during the Development Foundation Scholarship Auction in 2005. Lukwago is leaving the college after four years to pursue a job as a dietician.

Colvin director resigns

April 3, 2009

A passion for nutrition is taking Susan Lukwago, director of the Colvin Adult Learning Center, in a new direction next year. When Lukwago’s contract...

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The student news site of Seward County Community College