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The student news site of Seward County Community College

Crusader News

The student news site of Seward County Community College

Crusader News

The student news site of Seward County Community College

Crusader News


Fiesta Nearing

April 3, 2009

The second annual Spring Fiesta hosted by Seward County Community College/ Area Technical School will merge with the Custom Car Show to provide festivities...

Ag team completes season in Houston

April 3, 2009

The Seward County Community College/ Area Technical School Agriculture team had its final contest for the year. They traveled to Houston, Texas, during...

The bird spreads the word

April 3, 2009

Twitter has quickly become one of the easiest methods of letting your friends and family know what you are doing. However if the only time you send tweets...

Twitter becomes popular social networking site

April 3, 2009

In the age of social networking a three-year-old site is gaining fame with the rich and famous and the average person. Twitter was founded in March 2006...

HALO travels to Chicago

April 3, 2009

The Seward County Community College/ Area Technical School Hispanic American Leadership Organization traveled to Chicago over spring break and got the...

Crusader photo
Crusader editors, Morgan Allaman, Rustin Watt, sponsor Daniel Hackett, Jessica Lulf, Chelsi Valdez and James McElvania stopped to pose for a picture on the Staten Island Ferry. The editors were in New York City for the College Media Advisors convention. While there, the group had a chance to visit many of the sites of New York and also got to hear Charles Gibson speak at the convention.

Gibson speaks to future journalists

April 3, 2009

An ABC anchor, a lead CBS News reporter/ 60 Minutes correspondent and MediaStorm’s president addressed Crusader editors and others in attendance at the...

SIFE wins regional competition

April 3, 2009

SIFE won the Regional competition in Denver, Colo., March 15-18, and will be heading to Philadelphia, Pa., for the national competition. Club members said...

Crusader photo/ Morgan Allaman
Dash for Dollars winner Rachel Barnes grabs for flying money in the cash machine. Over 500 dollars worth of bills were placed in the machine before Barnes entered.

Dash for cash

April 3, 2009

Crusader photo/ Morgan Allaman
Alfredo Anaya of Liberal High School paints a nail during a cosmetology challenge. Although Anaya didn’t win, another LHS student Megan Devore placed first in cosmetology. This year’s Xtreme Challenge had a 64 percent increase in participants from 140 students last year to 230 students this year.

Challenge brings high school students to Seward County

April 3, 2009

While Seward County Community College students whose morning classes pertaining to accounting, administration, ag, art, computer, cosmo, criminal justice,...

Crusader photo/ Chelsi Valdez 
Freshman Jordan Eder talks to a group of 24 students about where eggs come from during Farm Education Day on March 24. Over 1,219 elementary students from around the area were on campus for Farm Ed. Day. The Development received a check for $800 from Seward County Farm Bureau during Farm Ed. Day. The Farm Bureau helps with presentations during the day.

College hosts Farm Education Day

April 3, 2009

Over 1,000 young students participated in the 22nd annual Farm Education Day on the campus of Seward County Community College/ Area Technical School according...

Crusader photo/ Rustin Watt 

Dr. Dunn shakes hands with Earl Watt as Dunn receives the High Plains Daily Leader “Citizen of the Year” award. Dunn won the award because of his work with the merger and many other community activities.

Dunn named Liberal Citizen of the year

April 3, 2009

Seward County Community College/ Area Technical School President, Dr. Duane Dunn was recently honored as the High Plains Daily Leader Citizen of the Year...

All eyes on me…

April 3, 2009

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The student news site of Seward County Community College