Everyone is aware of how expensive college can get and if you chose to come to a community college before going to a four-year university because it is...
During this episode of the Crusader News Podcast, our reporter Dani Arellano sits down to discuss what wedding planning while also managing school, work,...
Enrollment for the spring semester starts today. As students rush to get into classes like American history and speech, why not add some fun and unusual...
The Saints and Lady Saints held the annual basketball Preview night for the 2021-22 season on Oct. 28. The night consisted of a three point contest, dunk...
Butler Community College came to Liberal and took care of business. The No. 3 ranked team in the nation took care of business defeating the Lady Saints...
Have you seen the famous Applebee's Tiktok? Well, if you haven't... Check it out right here with Crusader News and witness staff and students doing the...
When fall comes around that means cold weather, Halloween, sweatshirt season and pumpkins. There are so many things you can do with pumpkins and here are...
What do you like to do in your free time?
I like to hang out with the girls on my team. Sometimes we go eat when we have the money. Other times we go...