ebruary is dedicated to appreciate both the past and present of the black community. Black History month focuses on appreciating all Black historical...
The Lady Saints have improved their overall score to 10-3 and a 5-0 in the conference with the win over Pratt Community College on Feb 23
During the...
The Student Union came to life as loud music played and students rolled around on skates, Feb. 22. While some were skilled in their skating others were...
If you are a broke college student and need new clothes or items to decorate your home or dorm with, the thrift store is calling your name. Thrift stores...
School is where students become educated about the world. It is where many get a basic understanding of life skills, but how useful is that knowledge compared...
On Friday evening, the student body received an email informing us that even if campus is closed due to weather conditions we would still have class remotely....
Waking up to the smell of pancakes sure is delicious. In Liberal there is a whole day dedicated to it. Pancake Day is celebrated every year on the day...
Classes have been in for a month now, including the week of online at the beginning of the semester. However, students still have to do some online classes....