As classes start up once again at Seward County Community College, many students may find themselves embarking on a mission to join a club that suits their...
Being active on campus and the community was the goal for the 2018-19 Crusader staff. Not only did they cover anything that happened on campus through...
During Myron Perry’s free time between classes, he walks down the hall in a chipper mood, greeting everyone passing by or sitting down. Perry is the...
The Seward Saints played against Lamar, Colorado on March 26 at our home field. The Saints played a 9 inning game, losing 13-12.
Seward made a comeback...
Louie’s place, located at the Vo-Tech, is the go-to for pretty much any snack that you are craving. From chips to candy bars, there is something out...
The Seward Saints played and lost to Clarendon Community College on March 5, with a 14-10 score. The Saints, who played a single, nine-inning game, dropped...
We went to Azteca Taco truck which is located at 55-99 W 7th St, Liberal, KS 67901. The truck is a warm orange color with a colorful menu. We ordered a...
The first truck we hit was El Pastorcito, where we ordered 5 tacos of carne asada. These tacos came with avocado slices as toppings but not onions or cilantro,...