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The student news site of Seward County Community College

Crusader News

The student news site of Seward County Community College

Crusader News

The student news site of Seward County Community College

Crusader News


Brad Bennett hosted a town hall meeting on March 24 to talk about the future of the campus and enrollment. Bennett has hopes that these meetings will continue, and will grow with more student and community involvement.

Community, faculty discuss Seward’s future

Laura Gillespie, Editor
March 25, 2022

The recent success of Seward County Community Colleges Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) program led college administrators to question what else can...

Introducing the next best pet

Introducing the next best pet

Salina Byrd, Reporter
March 24, 2022

Having a pet is often part of growing up. Most students have had a cat, dog or even a goldfish, but what about a rabbit? Some breeds of rabbits are loving...

After a reported allergic reaction by a student, there has been a realization that the cafeteria needs labels which say what is in certain foods. If there were labels, it would save many students from having to worry about what is in the foods.

Labels save lives

Ashanti Thompson, Reporter
March 23, 2022

Under the fluorescent lights and above the checkered tiled floor of Seward County Community Colleges’ cafeteria, a student picked up a seemingly harmless,...

Starting the day right

Starting the day right

Jessica Madrigal, Reporter
March 21, 2022

After spring break of doing whatever, waking up whenever and having no schedule for an entire week, it can be hard to get back into the swing of school....

Spring Break, be back March 21

Spring Break, be back March 21

Brianna Rich, Photo Editor
March 11, 2022

Some SCCC students are spending time in the mountains and others are going home to see family.

Students are planning spring break

Ashanti Thompson, Reporter
March 11, 2022

For Seward County Community College, spring break vacation is finally here. Now is the time to catch up on studies, find a new hobby or honestly just relax...

Sophomore Franco Vecchia prepares to swing a forehand to hit the ball back. Vecchia is from Puerto Rico, Argentina, and he is majoring in administration and marketing.

Saints take victory

Brianna Rich, Photo Editor
March 10, 2022

Both tennis teams played yesterday, and they both won their matches. The Saints played against the University of the Southwest at 11 a.m., and Pratt Community...

Ukraine's boarder in 2014 showcases the hostile times between Russia over the years.

The war that everyone is watching

Jessica Madrigal, Reporter
March 10, 2022

Russia and Ukraine have had issues since 2014 and while many people knew this War was coming, I did not.  For eight years now, Russia and Ukraine have...

Super sophomore, Emily Johnson, who is also a super mom with four children, returns to school to finish her teacher degree. Johnson is from Hugoton and she owns her very own business which started as a hobby.

Emily Johnson

Melvin Le, Reporter
March 9, 2022

What are your plans for Spring Break? Oh, goodness. I own my own business [Meek&Mild] that I've created and it’s a healthy plant-based lotion,...

While Jaxon Rios has free time, he enjoys spending time with his girlfriend, Audra Langley. She thinks Jaxon is a wonderful dad, and that everything he does is for her.

Rios balances college while co-parenting

Melvin Le, Reporter
March 8, 2022

Being a parent means to Jaxon Rios, a pre-engineering major from Santana, that he now has to balance school, work, Quiz Bowl, and on top of everything,...

Review: Batman becomes a thriller movie

Reece Hay, Reporter
March 7, 2022

Batman has made another appearance in the Southgate Cinema 6 theater on Kansas Ave. This time around the movie is set in Gotham City where Batman has to...

Jeffrey Nagell first learned that he liked to teach others about the Bible when he was just in high school. When SCCC was looking for a New Testament teacher, he went straight to Darin Workman to talk to him about the job.

Preaching vs. teaching

Salina Byrd, Reporter
March 7, 2022

Students' chatter fill the classroom. Their teacher commences his lecture and all goes quiet. They listen as he enlightens them about the history of the...

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The student news site of Seward County Community College