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The student news site of Seward County Community College

Crusader News

The student news site of Seward County Community College

Crusader News

The student news site of Seward County Community College

Crusader News


 Elizabeth Horinek, a major from Sublette, drives thirty miles every day to attend classes. Even though she misses out on some opportunities, Horenik says commuting is a smart idea for anyone trying to save money.

Cutting the Cost

Megan Berg, Reporter
January 27, 2022

Waking up every day 30 minutes earlier than needed sounds like a pain for any college student. Add an early class to that scenario and a student barely...

Yolanda Morales born and raised in Liberal and is majoring in education at SCCC.

Yolanda Morales

Reece Hay and Jessica Madrigal
January 26, 2022

What is your biggest pet peeve? Why?  My biggest pet peeve is whenever I go to the gym and people drop the weights. A lot of people tend to over exaggerate...

Vanessa Mora, a second-year cosmetology student, aspires to someday open her own beauty salon somewhere outside of Liberal.

Vanessa Mora

Sara Lock and Laura Gillespie
January 24, 2022

Why did you choose SCCC?  To be honest it’s just because I’m from here. I prefer being with my family and I didn’t want to go somewhere far so...

Even though area school districts have either canceled classes for the week or reinstated masks, SCCC remains maskless. The choice is left in the hands of individuals.

Despite rising COVID numbers, college will not require masks — for now

Laura Gillespie, Editor
January 21, 2022

At this time, Seward County Community College will not go back to mandatory masks on campus despite the fact that the Liberal school district did last...

Something is always growing at the Ag department

Something is always growing at the Ag department

Victoria Martins, Photographer
January 20, 2022

On the northeast side of the Seward County Community College campus sits the Agriculture building. The three greenhouses on the side and back often go...

SCribbles members Melvin Le, Josh Swanson and Shandon Classen take part in a club favorite game “Tell Tale”. This game involves coming up with a story based on the three cards one draws. 
Le says “The game is a great way to showcase your creativity”.

Creative writers hit campus with competition, clubs

Laura Gillespie, Copy Editor
January 18, 2022

Artists have an opportunity this week to share their stories of “justice” at the upcoming Open Mic Night on Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in SU214 (above...

Noah Burton is a freshman from Chichester England. Burton’s major is physical education.

Noah Burton

Laura Gillespie, Copy Editor
January 14, 2022

What was the biggest culture shock moving from England to the United States?  First food. Food is definitely big culture-wise. It is more sugary than...

Working out or hardly working?

Reece Hay, Reporter
January 13, 2022

Junior Franco is a sophomore from Liberal. Franco majors in pre-med and for his work study he works in the wellness center. For work he cleans, checks people in, greets people and provides a welcome environment.

Opportunity for financial gain

Laura Gillespie, Copy Editor
January 12, 2022

Students have an opportunity to make money on campus through Work Study, a federal and local program.  SCCC has many positions available to students...

'New year, new me!' Is it a resolution worth keeping?

‘New year, new me!’ Is it a resolution worth keeping?

Brooke Katen, Reporter
January 11, 2022

Some people set a goal every year while others do not. See what some of the Saints community did. Click on an image to see it larger. (graphics by Laura...

No one is ever too old to write a letter to Santa. What's your Christmas wish?

College students, instructors have special requests for Santa

Ruby Thornton, Reporter
December 8, 2021

It’s the most wonderfully chaotic time of the year. While little kids are writing THE letter, college students and instructors have been preparing for...

The Liberal Air Museum is home to 100s of aircraft. The collection is housed inside and out on the tarmac.

5 Liberal must dos

Kylie Regier, Reporter
December 7, 2021

Liberal is a small town and often seems like there is nothing to do. Well, fear not! These five attractions for the fall and winter months can help you...

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The student news site of Seward County Community College