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Crusader News

The student news site of Seward County Community College

Crusader News

The student news site of Seward County Community College

Crusader News


Yolanda Morales born and raised in Liberal and is majoring in education at SCCC.

Yolanda Morales

Reece Hay and Jessica Madrigal
January 26, 2022

What is your biggest pet peeve? Why?  My biggest pet peeve is whenever I go to the gym and people drop the weights. A lot of people tend to over exaggerate...

Vanessa Mora, a second-year cosmetology student, aspires to someday open her own beauty salon somewhere outside of Liberal.

Vanessa Mora

Sara Lock and Laura Gillespie
January 24, 2022

Why did you choose SCCC?  To be honest it’s just because I’m from here. I prefer being with my family and I didn’t want to go somewhere far so...

Noah Burton is a freshman from Chichester England. Burton’s major is physical education.

Noah Burton

Laura Gillespie, Copy Editor
January 14, 2022

What was the biggest culture shock moving from England to the United States?  First food. Food is definitely big culture-wise. It is more sugary than...

Dhamar Dozal is from Liberal. Dozal is a freshman, and her major is behavioral science.

Dhamar Dozal

Laura Gillespie, Copy Editor
November 12, 2021

If you could do anything for one day, what are you choosing to do?  Probably go for a walk in the mountains–like way in the mountains. Any mountains...

Reaching back, Justine Lepses eyes the ball coming toward her. She returns service with a backhand.

Justine Lespes

Mary Ramirez, Reporter
November 9, 2021

It was a historic fall season for Justine Lespes. The sophomore tennis player was the first in Lady Saints history to advance to the ITA national single’s...

Vivien Gabehart is from Marshall Oklahoma. She is a freshman, and her major is Sports Medicine.

Vivien Gabehart

Laura Gillespie and Brianna Rich
October 22, 2021

What do you like to do in your free time? I like to hang out with the girls on my team. Sometimes we go eat when we have the money. Other times we go...

Melvin Le is from Liberal. Le is a sophomore and his major is pharmacy.

Melvin Le

Laura Gillespie, Copy Editor
October 15, 2021

As a published creative writer, why did you choose to write your piece Our Society?  It was originally inspired by Martin Luther King Jr. and his I...

Abel Ochoa's favorite thing to do is welding, so he is making it his career. The Rolla freshman is majoring in welding. He thinks so much about this skill that his favorite quote is even about welding, "If it don't stick, weld it again."

Abel Ochoa

Laura Gillespie, Copy Editor
October 1, 2021

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? Why?  Probably somewhere in Texas. Welding down there is really popular, and I want...

Melissa Gonzalez is from Hugoton Kansas. Her major is cosmetology, and she is a freshman this year.

Melissa Gonzalez

Laura Gillespie, Copy Editor
September 24, 2021

What made you want to go into Cosmetology?  I’ve always had a passion for doing nails and the whole make-up thing in general. I’ve been a girly...

Kata Jawara is from New York City. He is a sophomore, and his major is Sports Management.

Kata Jawara

Laura Gillespie, Reporter
September 17, 2021

If you could eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?  Wings. Hot Wings. I like wings  What is something you like to do in your...

Yisel Ramos is from Liberal. Ramos is a freshman and her major is visual arts.

Yisel Ramos

Laura Gillespie and Brianna Rich
September 10, 2021

What is your all-time favorite anime? My favorite of all time is One Piece. One Piece came out in like 1997 or 1999 in between that time period and...

Paola Sanchez is from Liberal. She is a freshman and her major is undecided.

Paola Sanchez

Laura Gillespie and Brianna Rich
September 3, 2021

What is your favorite type of music? My favorite type of music is R&B. I really got into it when I was twelve years old and really discovering music....

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The student news site of Seward County Community College