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The student news site of Seward County Community College

Crusader News

The student news site of Seward County Community College

Crusader News

The student news site of Seward County Community College

Crusader News


Madison Hall

Madison Hall

Michelle Mattich, Managing Editor
April 30, 2019

What has been the biggest struggle you have had to overcome? “Time management, balancing school work with 4H has been especially hard this semester...

Alizé Garcia

Alizé Garcia

Annette Meza, Copy Editor
April 12, 2019

What are your ambitions or goals in life? "I want to do some ministry stuff with music later in life, I'm debating whether I want to move out to  El...

Daniel Rodriguez

Daniel Rodriguez

Michelle Mattich, Managing Editor
March 25, 2019

What's the biggest obstacle you have had to overcome? It might sound generic but people. I have a huge case of social phobia. I don't like people all...

Deja Webber

Deja Webber

Michelle Mattich, Managing Editor
March 8, 2019

Why did you choose SCCC? “To complete my prerequisites.” Why is your major psychology? “My mindset would be more towards helping...

Keila Perez is a freshman pre engineering major who is from Liberal, KS. She plans on becoming a computer engineer or a web page designer.

Keila Perez

Michelle Mattich, Managing Editor
February 27, 2019

Why did you choose SCCC? "Cheap and small" What do you wanna do as a career? "I want to be a computer engineer or a web page designer." What...

Mario Loredo is a freshman from Liberal. Get "up close" with him and get introduced to some of his favorite shows and movie.

Mario Loredo

Cheyenne Miller, Reporter
February 1, 2019

What’s the last good movie you saw? Why did you like it? “Logan. I just thought it was really good.” What’s the last thing you watched on Netflix?...

Hegel Augustin is from Queens, New York. His dream has always been to play in the NBA.

Hegel Augustin

Calen Moore, Reporter
January 25, 2019

What is your name? "Hegel Augustine." Where are you from? "Queens, New York." What is your major? "Sports medicine." What year in college...

Evelyn Rios is a freshman nursing major. She plans to become physician when she's done with school.

Evelyn Rios

Bryanna Alexis, Writer
January 23, 2019

Where are you from? "Liberal." What is your major here at SCCC? "Nursing." How long have you been here at SCCC? “This is my second semester.” What...

Celia Gutierrez is an Education major from Mexico but raised in Liberal. She is a member of the college cheer team.

Celia Gutierrez

Annette Meza, Copy Editor
January 18, 2019

If you ever had kids, how many would you like? "I would like three." When did you decide you wanted kids? "The age I decided I wanted kids was when...

Nayshon Kane is a Saint basketball player from Brooklyn, New York. In his free time, Kane enjoys playing 2k because it is alot like basketball.

Nayshon Kane

Monica Gonzalez, Photographer/Reporter
November 26, 2018

Do you have any siblings? How many? "I have one sibling, a four-year old sister named Kailey." Why did you come to SCCC? "I came to Seward County...

Gissella Garcia, a freshman education major from Liberal. Garcia believes that they key to happiness is just doing something you enjoy!

Gissella Garcia

Amberley Taylor, Co-Editor
November 16, 2018

Why did you choose your major? “I have always liked being around kids and interacting with them.” What grade would you like to teach? “I think...

Natalie Melendez is a freshman biology major from Liberal. Melendez enjoys biology because she likes plants and animals better than people.

Natalie Melendez

Michelle Mattich, Co-Editor
November 2, 2018

Why is Biology your major? "This might sound bad but I do not like people, I like plants and animals more. They are easier to work with." What is...

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The student news site of Seward County Community College