Why did you choose SCCC?
I’ve lived in Liberal and then I moved to Hooker in high school and got a scholarship for Seward. Besides, it's cheaper.
Cyara Heredia was crowned Miss Teen Kansas 2020 in Lawrence recently. The sophomore will now advance to the Miss Teen USA 2020 competition in the spring.
What does a weekday look like to you?
I usually wake up around 8 a.m. and get ready. I then speed to class or to Liberal High School because I tutor...
What classes are you taking right now?
"I'm taking College Algebra, English Comp. I, American History, First Year Seminar, Concepts of health and wellness,...
Why did you choose nursing?
"I chose nursing because it’s something I've always wanted to do and I like tending to people. I plan to finish my nursing...
What are your hobbies?
"I like to hang out with friends and I just work. I work at Dillons, its okay sometimes, it can be boring. I work as a cashier."
Why was Seward County Community College your choice?
SCCC was my first choice in picking a college because of the fact that it was closer to home and...