As the Lady Saints manage to defeat another opponent in the Greenhouse, they keep their undefeated home streak alive (9-0). The Lady Saints battled with...
As the Spring semester kicks off, it is important for students to know that the dates to add and/or drop classes are coming quickly. Each semester, students...
Why did you choose SCCC?
"I chose SCCC because it's very close to home and they have a great computer program."
Why did you choose computer science?
From the court, to the classrooms and even by being a Resident Assistant, Mollie Mounsey has been making an impact at Seward County Community College ever...
As SCCC students prepare themselves for the remaining weeks of the end of the first semester, Student Government Association is sponsoring an event called...
Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) is the world’s largest professional business fraternity, helping members prepare for careers in business. This year of 2017, PBL...
The cold season is here and there’s nothing better than a free hot cup of coffee or hot chocolate from the Saints Bookstore on a Tuesday morning to keep...