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The student news site of Seward County Community College

Crusader News

The student news site of Seward County Community College

Crusader News

The student news site of Seward County Community College

Crusader News


Amy Whitaker, a behavioral science major from Liberal, presents her slideshow on a study of creative interpretation using “The Jungle” by Upton Sinclair. The presentation was a final assignment for American Literature II. The presentation included different paintings based on jungles and different insights from Whitaker on the book.

Into the jungle

Megan Berg, Features Editor
April 28, 2022

As a part of the final, students of American Literature II were required to pick a book by an American author and create a presentation on it. Lori Muntz,...

New kids on the block

New kids on the block

Jessica Madrigal and Reece Hay
April 22, 2022

All Saints Day took place for students all over wanting to attend Seward County Community College in the Fall of 22’. Seniors get to enroll in classes...

Celebrating awareness in April

Celebrating awareness in April

Reece Hay, Reporter
April 20, 2022

Celebrating differences is what April is all about. April is Autism Awareness month. Autism Awareness month is all about spreading awareness to increase...

Macy Spearman swings her bat and collides with the softball. During the first game, Spearman got to bat twice and she scored two runs.

Lady Saints exchange wins, losses with Broncbusters

Brianna Rich, Photo Editor
April 19, 2022

The Lady Saints played a doubleheader against Garden City Community College. They won game one and lost game two. Their record is now 20-18 for the season. Ireland...

Upon entering the classroom the first instruction from Julie Veenstra is to gather all supplies. Bare cookies, icing, toothpicks and scissors were all very necessary for the journey ahead.

Having a Cookie-tastic time

Ashanti Thompson, Reporter
April 14, 2022

Julie Veenstra led a cookie decorating class Tuesday at Seward County Community College at 6 p.m. Beyond creativity, she taught different techniques, recipes...

Podcast: Holiday that's hoppin' around the corner

Podcast: Holiday that’s hoppin’ around the corner

Reece Hay, Reporter
April 14, 2022

Easter is just around the corner and Crusader New's Reporter Reece Hay couldn't wait to cover it. This podcast is all about Easter traditions, Easter basket...

This year it was the 12 annual celebration of national poetry month and to celebrate the creative writers’ coffeehouse was held. During the coffeehouse, there were poems read by the contest winners and by the people who just wanted to share their poems.

Poetry night is brought to life

Jessica Madrigal, Reporter
April 11, 2022

The creative writer's coffee house was brought to life with many poems and with the appearance of a guest speaker.  Creative writers coffee...

Calmly sitting in the donation chair, Jaxon Rios donates plasma to The Red Cross donation in the afternoon. Plasma accounts for around 55% of our total blood volume and is also 90% water.

Be a hero and donate

Ashanti Thompson and Megan Berg
April 6, 2022

Warning: pictures of blood and needles are included in this story  The smell of antiseptic wafts through the room as donators lay back waiting for...

Home away from home

Jessica Madrigal, Reporter
April 6, 2022

Whether a student is 20 miles from home or 431 miles, each person brings what they can to make it seem like their dorm room is their home.  Residents...

Introducing the next best pet

Introducing the next best pet

Salina Byrd, Reporter
March 24, 2022

Having a pet is often part of growing up. Most students have had a cat, dog or even a goldfish, but what about a rabbit? Some breeds of rabbits are loving...

Starting the day right

Starting the day right

Jessica Madrigal, Reporter
March 21, 2022

After spring break of doing whatever, waking up whenever and having no schedule for an entire week, it can be hard to get back into the swing of school....

Spring Break, be back March 21

Spring Break, be back March 21

Brianna Rich, Photo Editor
March 11, 2022

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The student news site of Seward County Community College